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5 Reasons to Hire a Commercial Lawn Care Company

A view of a corporate campus with exceptional landscaping.

The lawns, gardens, and other landscaping on your commercial property can be a major asset — or cause a serious headache.

Most businesses don’t focus on commercial and industrial lawn care or grounds maintenance. It’s something that’s usually far outside their areas of expertise.

Working with a trusted and proven commercial lawn care company means an expert is in charge. When it comes to landscaping, they know what to do and when to do it. Let’s call that reason No. 1 to hire a commercial lawn care service. Here are four more to consider:

4 More Reasons Why Your Business Should Hire a Professional Lawn Care Company

Reason No. 2: The Right Equipment, Experience, and Training

Commercial lawn mowing and garden maintenance is a unique process. It’s not totally unlike maintaining your lawn at home, but there are big differences.

The lawns tend to be much larger (which in turn requires specialized equipment), as can any gardens and other landscaping features. There may be many more buildings and business infrastructure to take into account. Pests and other issues need to be carefully monitored.

A professional landscape maintenance company already has the equipment, experience, and training needed for consistency and overall positive results. Can your company say the same thing?

Reason No. 3: Making the Most of Your Landscaping

The National Association of Landscape Professionals explains commercial landscaping can highlight and accentuate a building or campus. It sets an overall tone for the property. It can also help guide visitors, clients, and others to the main entrance.

Working with a commercial lawn care company means ensuring landscape design continues to function as intended. The pros make sure your company’s lawn and landscape are assets instead of liabilities.

Reason No. 4: Outsourcing An Otherwise Complex Effort

Many corporate campuses can require an entire landscaping team to maintain them. Even smaller businesses may need several hours of commercial mowing services on a regular basis.

A DIY approach means purchasing and servicing equipment and finding staff or contractors. You’ll also have to schedule and pay all of those individuals, and so much more. With a commercial lawn care service, there’s simply an upfront cost and service plan agreed to ahead of time. Commercial lawn care costs are predictable.

Reason No. 5: One of Many Services in a Complete Package

With the right commercial lawn care company on your side, you can have a complete solution for interior and exterior facility maintenance.

At Brite Solutions, we provide a complete range of indoor and outdoor facility maintenance services. That includes janitorial, construction, landscaping, and parking lot, along with general maintenance.

You can roll all of these services together into a single invoice while counting on consistently excellent results. That means more time to focus on the core mission of your business, while the pros apply their knowledge and expertise.
Learn about the many benefits of working with an all-in-one property maintenance service: Request a Quote Today!

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